Free Alarm Clock-闹钟软件,让电脑在指定时间自动开机 ...:2021-11-15 · FreeAlarmClock是个相当简单好用的免费闹钟软件,主要功能就是让我们自行设定多组时间,在指定时间到时,可以自动播放指定的音效或自行提取的MP3歌曲。 比较特别的是,FreeAlarmClock还可支持「将电脑从睡眠模式唤醒」的功能,也就是设定好闹钟之后,让电脑休眠,等时间到时自动开机、 …
How can all people participate in elections and democracy during COVID-19 and other crises?
2020 U.S. Election Program
Text: U.S. Election Program Virtual Edition | Image: Hands on a laptop keyboard

As part of IFES' commitment to adaptation, innovation and resilience in the wake of COVID-19, the 2020 U.S. Election Program is going virtual. Sign up and stay tuned for more details!

Voting During COVID-19: What Scares People the Most?
Dominican voters in New York City mark their ballots during out-of-country voting for the 2020 general elections.

Understanding voters’ fears about going to the polls amid COVID-19 is crucial to creating a safe voting environment. Having conducted nationwide surveys in three countries, IFES has some preliminary insights into voters’ main concerns.

Elections in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea: 2020 General Elections
Bougainvilleans will go to the polls starting on Wednesday, August 12, to vote for the 39 members of the House of Representatives and a president. These will be the first elections held since the 2019 Bougainville referendum.
Webinar: Promoting Youth Civic Engagement Online
A poll worker looks at a set of ballot boxes during Ukraine's 2019 presidential election.

IFES and partner organizations are hosting a series of webinars on the administration of elections during a pandemic. The third session, “Exercising Your Voice Is Just a Click Away! Promoting Digital Youth Civic Engagement,” will take place on July 30.

Election Considerations in the Pacific During an Infodemic
During an IFES webinar on “Preserving Electoral Integrity During an Infodemic,” Papua New Guinea Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato provides an update on COVID-19 in his country.

In partnership with the Fijian Elections Office, IFES is working to inform election management bodies, civil society organizations and other stakeholders in the Pacific region on best practices for conducting elections during the pandemic. Their most recent webinar focused on “Preserving Electoral Integrity During an Infodemic.”

What We Do

中国电脑如何上youtubeElection Data by中国电脑如何上youtube在电脑上youtubeMore Elections
5 Aug 2020
Sri Lanka: Election for Sri Lankan Parliament
9 Aug 2020
Belarus: Election for President
29 Aug 2020
Ethiopia: Election for Ethiopian House of People's Representatives | POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19
30 Aug 2020
Montenegro: Election for Montenegrin Assembly

IFES in the News

August 2, 2020
Fajar Indonesia Network
Wabah Kian Menggila, Pilkada Sulit Ditawar
August 1, 2020
怎么在电脑上看YOUTUBE? - 威锋 - 千万果粉大本营:2021-3-17 · 推荐2种方案给你: ①自己搭建一个梯子。 需要技术。 ②购买别人的梯子。 两种方案的话,第一种比较麻烦,需要有一定的Linux基础。第二种你可以用下 拜达云 的网络加速服务!
July 27, 2020
Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha
Call to ensure press freedom during Covid-19 pandemic
July 26, 2020
Workshop on ‘Covering COVID-19’ for youth journalists at DU
July 23, 2020
Edo guber: INEC begins training of Electoral officers
July 20, 2020
U.S. laws help people with disabilities vote
July 19, 2020
Ming Pao
The virus will not destroy the election, the political power
July 17, 2020
NAPC Chairman Novikov: Creating an e-register of reports of political parties is an important step
July 17, 2020
Coin Idol
Elections During COVID-19: Is it the Time for Blockchain Voting to Shine?
La JCE sale airosa de un proceso electoral lleno de incertidumbre por lucha política
La Haine
Bolivia: La tragedia como opción política
United Nations Africa Renewal
To vote or postpone? Elections in Africa in the time of COVID-19
July 8, 2020
My Joy Online
如何在电脑上玩 Pokemon GO_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:2021-7-17 · 懒癌晚期患者,主要搬运YouTube视频,有兴起会做原创视频,欢迎关注 关注 4740 相关推荐 02:21 一百赞重新发pokemon go的教程(不用刷机和root) 荒天爪 ...
July 7, 2020
Daily News
‘Every vote counts - your vote counts’
July 6, 2020
Efecto Cocuyo
Tres lecciones que deja la megaelección en República Dominicana celebrada en pandemia
July 6, 2020
Este País
皮查伊在YouTube上向2021届毕业生发表 "You Will Prevail ...:2021-6-8 · 据外媒报道,当地时间周日谷歌CEO桑达尔·皮查伊(SundarPichai)(SundarPichai)在YouTube上向2021届毕业生发表了一场虚拟的毕业典礼演讲。谷歌为题为&quot ...
July 5, 2020
Página Siete
Dos legisladoras del MAS están en República Dominicana observando las elecciones en ese país
July 5, 2020
Congresista Adriano Espaillat se expresa sobre elecciones dominicanas
July 5, 2020
“Hay un antes y un después”, proclama Espaillat y alaba montaje de elecciones en exterior
July 5, 2020
Diario Digital
Dominicanos votan en masa en para elegir sus autoridades

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